Eid ul Adha Sms and Greetings 2017

eid ul adha greetings sms

Get latest Eid ul Adha Sms greetings and quotes to wish a lovely Bakra Eid 2017 to your friends and relatives.

Brush your teeth well ????
Raw Halal meat incoming with Eid ????
May Allah accept our Qurbani
Eid ul Adha Mubarak



Eid Quote
Eid Quote



Spirit of Our Friendship

On this sacred occasion of Eid-Ul-Adha
I wish the spirit of our friendship remains the same forever!

A Blessed Eid ul Adha Mubarak



Festival of Sacrifice

May this festival of sacrifice, obedience, purity and faith fill up your life with abundance of good health and joys.



Happy Eid al Adha

May ALLAH SWT Accept Your Good Chores
Pardon Your Transgressions and Ease the Difficulties
of All Mankind Around the Globe

Happy Eid al Adha Mubarak



May Your Plate of Life

May your plate of the life remain full of the juicy kebabs, botis, chanps and tikkas, topped with chatni of the happiness and merriment, forever. With best wishes, Eid ul Adha Mubarak



Eid ul Adha Mubarak with Full of Iman

Eid Ul Azha Is Eid of Sacrifice,
And Obedience To Allah (SWT’s) Orders,
May Allah Bless Us All With Same Obedience to HIS Orders
in All Our Life, and Help Everyone Amongst Us,
Who Needs Help, Who is Worried,
And Waiting For His Bliss,

Eid ul Adha Mubarak with Full of Iman



May Your Qurbaani Get Acceptance

Eid-ul-Adha Mubarak To You!
May Your Life Be Illuminated With Infinite Blessings And May Your Qurbaani Get Acceptance in the court of ALLAH.



Eid ul Adha Sms

Another Eid ul Adha Greetings Sms:

When you pray to Allah perform sacrifice in the true spirit of Eid-ul Adha. I wish that all your wishes come true and your prayers are accepted.
Eid al Adha Mubarak



May ALLAH Give You Strength

May ALLAH give you strength to offer sacrifices that are fully accepted by ALLAH and to submit to His commands all times.
Happy Eid ul Adha



A Joyous and Prosper Eid ul Adha

Let’s hope that ALLAH SWT awards us with his choicest blessings and our ties grow stronger with every passing year.

Wishing you a joyous and prosper Eid-ul-Adha!




A White Eid-ul-Adha

I Am Dreaming of a White Eid-al-Adha
With Every Eid-al-Adha Wish I Write,
May Your Days Be Merry and Bright,
and May All Your Eid-ul-Adhas Be White

Happy Eidul-Adha



Eid-Ul-Adha Is Observed

Eid-ul-Adha Is Observed In The Remembrance of The Deeds Of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S),
For Whom Qur’an Itself States That
“He Always Thanked Allah For All The Bounties He Was Provided With”.
So On This Festive Event,
Let’s Thank Allah For All What We Have.
Eid Mubarak!



May His Benevolence

Beautiful Eid ul Adha Sms to send to your friends:

[quote]Allah’s kindness cannot be counted or accounted for.
May His benevolence and generosity always shower on us.
Happy Eid ul Adha[/quote]



Remember in Your Prayers

Eid ul Adha Mubarak

May ALLAH (SWT) bestow
His blessings and rewards
upon you and your family.
Remember in your prayers!



Eid ul Azha Messages and Greetings

As you recite prayers on Eid Day,
may ALLAH SWT bless you and your family,
and may all your wishes come true…

Eid e Qurban Mubarak


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Find decent and sober quotes and greetings messages for wishing Eid ul Adha 2017 to all your cousins and dearer ones. PoemsUrdu.com is presenting the best collection of Eid-ul-Adha wishes, greetings and messages in English. Click on the heading and message will be displayed. Type it in your mobile to send to someone, send it through Whats App, tweet it or post as your Facebook status.

Enjoy this collection of Eid ul Adha Sms greetings by Poemsurdu.com. If you have any comments, please write it down in the comments.






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